Thursday, August 28, 2008

You Know You Are In Love When...

You long for the day when you will be together...
Your pine for it every single day and hope that someday you will be together.

When there are more and more photos of both of you together...
Did you take pictures the first time you saw it? And click more pictures of both of you after you bought it?

You can't wait to see it again...
Ever felt that the day was dragging and you just wanted to go home and be with it? Did you ever have one of those days when you were not able to concentrate on anything and your mind was somewhere else?

You have a hard time saying "goodbye"...
Ever felt like you are getting addicted to it? Do you have to keep on telling yourself "5 more minutes and then I will stop"?

You don't want to share it with anyone else in the world...
Do you feel extremely possessive about it? Do you feel jealous when someone else looks at it or touches it? Do you feel special because you have it and other people don't?

When you are sitting silent in front of it not because you have nothing to say but because there is no need for words...
You never realize how time flies when you are together. You can sit for hours staring at each other!

Well, if these are the signs of love then probably I am in love with my T.V. and laptop. Now, if only I could transform my T.V./laptop into a tall, handsome, smart, funny, understanding guy at the click of a remote-button/mouse click.

If while reading this post, you were reminded of something (please note, I said something and not someone), then yes you are in love too!


Keep Guessing said...

Thanks a lot...Trying to write as well as you.u are my benchmark. trying to match ur standards although that seems to be a daunting task. Keep following. Hope to spring up some nice articles too.. The problem is that i have way to many topics to write about and they are actually funny but wen i sit down to type,words somehow desert me... I cant be funny in my posts..guess i have to get rid of this blog fear as i'm quite new to it.

waiting for more of ur posts.

Rambler said...

@Keep Guessing
Stop you are beginning to embarrass me :-).If my blog was so good, I would be having thousands of readers. Actually, its easier to write when you are not writing for an audience. That way, you can write what you want and not because someone else would like it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rambler! I actually came here to say something else but I guess I'll have to intrude in on the discussion going on here already.

Please don't dampen the spirit of Keep Guessing, he/she just believed in you, why not get some believe in yourself too. Well, I don't mind whatever you think but I think that a really really thoughtful post. I know your are trying to be true to yourself but sometimes other see things we don't even notice about ourself.

Don't worry about the readers, we all know how it goes in the internet arena these days, it's now gone beyond just the contents and do you think the top blogs are those with the best contents? Nah! I'm sure you understand what I'm try to say.

By the way thanks for dropping by my blog.

Ferox Magister said...

Neat Stuff. You have one more reader in your list.

Rambler said...

@Ferox Magister
Hey, thanx for your nice comments. Do keep dropping by!

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